Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am really bad about keeping up this blog. I'm sure the millions of people who have subscribed to it are thoroughly disappointed...and for that, I am sorry.

A few weeks ago we took the kids to see the grunion run. Bad idea for several reasons. #1: It doesn't start until 9:55pm. #2: It's very cold and wet at the beach at night. #3: We only saw 2 stinkin fish! And Rory swore he would catch one for the boys if he had to dive in the water and chase it. Needless to say, they were too fast for him. The boys just starred aimlessly at the water. We gave up after 30 minutes and went home.

Rory took the kids across the street to the park to play baseball. See the picture of Dylan?! Yes, the ball made contact. And then the next picture is of Dylan throwing the ball. See where it is? Right above his head. That one made contact too. Poor thing.

Last week we had the Relief Society Birthday Party. My Enrichment committee put on a really nice party! It was decorated so cute. My girlfriend made an adorable cake. It was a fun night.

Things are sort of calm now, which is good, 'cause I need a break!