Every now and again one of my children will say something awesome. Case in point:
Conversation A:
Mikey: "Mom, can we ride a bus one day?"
Me: "Why, we have a car."
Mikey: "It would be fun."
Me: "Well, they are dirty and cost money. I am already paying for a car & gas, I'm not going to pay to ride a bus as well."
Mikey: "We don't have to pay to ride the bus. Only black people do."
Me: (Mouth drop)"Uh, where did you ever hear that?!"
Mikey: "My teacher."
At this point I'm thinking his teacher and I should have a chat.
Me: "Well, that's not the case."
Mikey: "Yes it is. Like Martin Luther King has to pay to ride it."
Me: "Mikey, he's dead. That was years ago."
Mikey: "Oh. Do I have to pay to ride the bus then, too?"
Me: "Yes."
Mikey: "Then forget it...unless we can use YOUR money."
Conversation B:
I show Dylan a penny and a dime.
Me: "Buzzy, do you know what this is?"
Dylan: "Yes, a penny."
Me: "Good. Do you know what this one is?"
Dylan: "Yup, that's a diamond with Joseph Smith on it."
Conversation C:
Me: "Mikey, if someone were to ask you your religion, what would you say?"
Mikey: "I'm half Mexican, half Mormon."
Good times.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
From the mouths of babes......
Posted by Ellis Island at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Wedding Cake
The wedding cake. I swear I was having heart palpitations delivering it. I also posted a picture of the bridal shower cake. That one was fun to make. At the reception, Ivy was a dancing machine! We couldn't get her to stop! Mikey was playing DJ, and Dylan asked the owners of the house if he could spend the night because they had a foozeball table. I love watching my kids. It's so entertaining. I love those moments when you can't stop smiling at 'em.
Posted by Ellis Island at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Odds & Ends
I love my Christmas tree this year! My mom, the decorating queen, came over for a 4-hour tree trimming session. I was actually sore after putting it up! Pathetic, I know. But it's a beauty! She sure is good at stuff like that. She has such a sense of style, it makes me green with envy! Any time we shop for decorations, clothes, etc., I'll see something I like and say, "That's cute." She will sort of say, "yeah.....". And I know that "yeah". It means, "no it's not". But then she'll spot something, and she says the same thing every time, " (gasp) Oh Kim, look at that! Isn't that cute?! Oh, it's $45. Oh well, I don't care, I'm getting it!" And then she'll take it home and return it the next day. That usually happens with clothes. But she'll call me and say, "I returned that sweater. It looked like crap on me. But I found this adorable (fill in the blank) instead.....". I swear, every shopping outing is like that. She's funny! We really have a good time together.
On another note, Rory's brother got married a few weeks ago. It was a very nice wedding. Brittany (the bride) looked adorable. And Jamie was beaming from ear to ear. Their reception is tomorrow. I'm not sure why it's 2 weeks after the wedding. Something to do with booking their cruise for their honeymoon or something. Any-hoo, I finished their wedding cake tonight. SUCCESS! Sort of. All went well until I got crazy with the water sprayer on the kitchen sink and sprayed half
of the cake with water! I thought I was going to die!!! But I left it alone and it dried as if it was never touched. THIS is why I don't do this professionally.
Well, I've gotta make Mikey's Inn Keeper costume for the Nativity tomorrow for Primary. He's been practicing, "There's no more room at the Inn." But now he's freaking out because he missed his dress rehersal tonight. My fault. I'm sure he'll do fine.
Off to bed......
Posted by Ellis Island at 10:00 PM 1 comments